SEEMSG was formed in 1974 by a group of British medievalists including Anne Pennington, Robert Auty and Dame Elizabeth Hill in order to provide a means for scholars with an interest in any aspect of the medieval Slavonic world to meet informally and to exchange ideas.

The group currently has over seventy members throughout Europe and abroad. It meets biannually, usually on the Saturday nearest to Martinmas and on a Saturday in the second half of March. Meetings have generally alternated between Oxford, Cambridge, and London. Three or four papers are normally read at each meeting and paper proposals and submissions are always welcome!

The annual subscription is £10 (£5 for full-time students, academic staff on part-time contracts and independent scholars). Please address enquiries concerning membership directly to the Secretary/Treasurer. Postgraduate students wishing to attend meetings are reminded that some financial support is available. An e-bulletin is circulated to members annually.

The group has reciprocal arrangements with the Early Slavic Studies Association in the United States, and members of ESSA are warmly invited to attend meetings of SEEMSG when in Britain and vice versa.  

You can follow us on Facebook.

The officers of the group for the current year are:

  • Chair  Dr Monica White
  • Secretary/Treasurer – Angus Russell